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​Coming soon!


The Learn Thing - Life Lessons Inside and Outside The Box (e-book, 245 pages)

This is the story of someone who has learned some very valuable lessons, at times painful, at times joyous, at times hilarious, at times embarrassing; both inside the boxes of education, career path and relationships, and outside – and who is still learning. I have definitely been a late starter in many things and hope my story gives hope to those of you who may feel you’ve “missed the boat” in life and have given up hope. If you’ve felt there’s something wrong with you because you don’t learn the way others do, or feel trapped in a system that doesn’t necessarily enable you to flourish and blaze your personal trail in the world, then I hope you will feel a little less alone as I share some of my moments, mishaps and musings with you; you most certainly are not alone!


  • You can also download a free e-book preview of The Learn Thing - Life Lessons Inside and Outside The Box here​​

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